The thing is every business can benefit from a branding session. Whether you create handmade items in your little office or are out in the public as a hairstylist, baker or coach you need photos. Photos are an immediate way for you to connect with those you want to connect with the most – clients! I was reading once that photos act as storytellers. They help to tell the story of your brand. Maybe you know the story of your brand or maybe you are new in your business and are still evolving. Even new entrepreneurs have a story to share, a WHY to their business. These photos will help your future client know if you are what they are looking for. Within a few seconds, these photos will help to tell them if they want to work with you or not.
I have had clients in the past tell me that I seem nice, down to earth in my photos and that was a selling point for them. They want someone who could take great photos but make it fun and enjoyable.
2. I have no idea what photos I even would need, will you help with that?
After booking a session with me, we get right to work narrowing what kinds of photos you need for my business. I have a questionnaire that you fill out and these questions will help guide the session. For example, I had a client express interest in needing photographs for various guides she was creating. I then brainstormed with her the kind of images that would best suit these guides. I also make sure that my clients get a variety of photos that most businesses naturally need. You are running a business and I want to leave you with a great library of photographs to use for current and future projects, offerings.
3. When is the best time for a branding session?
Honestly, any time really! But it’s really important if you are just starting your business, rebranding or changing your website, and lastly if your photos no longer represent you and are outdated. If you can’t recall the last time you had photos taken or you haven’t really dived into your brand with a session, then it is definitely time!
When you are just starting a new business you really want to put your best foot forward so a session really makes you stand out as a professional.
Interested in learning more about the process I take with my entrepreneurs for their session, check out my process!
Created by JKL Consulting
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