Tips on what to wear for your session
Fitted clothing works best, especially for children. Children grow so quickly so make sure their clothing fits them well and isn’t too big or small. Comfort is key. If you are wearing comfortable clothing, you are more likely to be yourself during the session and won’t be tugging at your clothing.
Avoid clothing that is too bright or has logos on it. Bright colors may cast harsh shadows and logos go out of style. Think classic clothing. Personally, I know I can’t wear the color orange or yellow since it really does not do any wonders for my face!
Dress in layers as it adds textures and interest to your photographs. Vests are a good option.
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The fall time is a great opportunity for a fall family photography session! Who doesn’t love running in a field of fallen leaves? These brothers sure did!
Accessorize to add pops of color and more interest. Think scarves, hats, shoes and jewelry.
Iron your clothing ahead of take it to the dry cleaners. A wrinkled shirt can be very noticeable in photographs.
Coordinate your clothing, instead of being too matchy matchy. When deciding on your children’s clothing try shopping in one store since they’ll most likely have the same colors to choose from. This will make it easier to coordinate outfits. It’s helpful to lay out you and your family’s clothing out on a bed and see how all the outfits look together. If you are having trouble deciding on colors, take a look at your home decor. What colors do you typically have in your home, what colors will work when you hang your photographs up.
Are you interested in having your own Family Photography Session? Please message me and we can discuss what your needs are and make this session happen!
Created by JKL Consulting
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